
Revolutionary Self-Caring for You

We transform by caring for ourselves, not micromanaging ourselves. What has become crystal clear is that loving and caring for ourselves, one another and our planet is no longer optional.  Your own well-being is the beginning of global well-being. Self-care and self-kindness are imperative. How we do anything is how we do everything. The thoughts we think, words we say and actions we take impact our physical body, our spirit, our energy, and our world.  Love wins over fear every time. Self-care IS healthcare and is of paramount importance to our overall well-being and how we show up to serve. How are you self-caring for you? What are you allowing yourself to BE instead of DO? Revolutionary self-caring for you is a practice. Designed by you, for you, shifting and changing over time. Self-care is how...

11 Proven Ways to Overcome Zoom Fatigue

A helpful guide for contemporary humans. For many of us (adults and kids alike), our daily screen time has increased exponentially as video conferencing has become the "new normal" for work, remote learning, fitness classes, social connections with friends and family, and even worship services.  Video calls can amplify already existing stressors, zapping our energy, and exhausting our bodies. They demand more mental processing than talking face-to-face. Our brains have to work harder to read people. And we’re overstimulated, processing visual cues from all of the people we can see online while often simultaneously checking email or scrolling Facebook. Eyestrain from screen staring contributes to tension headaches. Long-term sitting gives us an achy low back and sleepy butt, while poor posture from rounding our shoulders restricts our breath...