
Revolutionary Self-Caring for You

We transform by caring for ourselves, not micromanaging ourselves.

What has become crystal clear is that loving and caring for ourselves, one another and our planet is no longer optional. 

Your own well-being is the beginning of global well-being.

Self-care and self-kindness are imperative.

How we do anything is how we do everything. The thoughts we think, words we say and actions we take impact our physical body, our spirit, our energy, and our world. 

Love wins over fear every time. Self-care IS healthcare and is of paramount importance to our overall well-being and how we show up to serve.

How are you self-caring for you?

What are you allowing yourself to BE instead of DO?

Revolutionary self-caring for you is a practice. Designed by you, for you, shifting and changing over time.

Self-care is how we fuel our self-like and our self-love.

Self-caring makes joy accessible, and peace and love your constant companions.

Revolutionary self-caring is intentional and delivered with self-kindness. It requires us to make healthy choices for our physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual bodies. It also requires us to lighten up, stop being our own judge and jury and show some compassion and grace to ourselves.

What do you need to feel cared for?

Self-care is NOT self-improvement. (That might be a bonus side effect, but you are not broken. There is nothing to fix.) 

Self-care is not a luxury. It is not self-indulgence.

Self-care is wholistic healthcare and any activity we do deliberately to facilitate the well-being of body, mind, and spirit.

Self-care is letting your inner 5-year-old make the plans for the day and then doing them.

Self-care is managing your stress levels, supporting your immune system, and regulating your nervous system.

Self-care is a respite from the outside world, a chance to take deep breaths physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Self-care is choosing love over fear. And making that choice over and over again.

Self-care is moving your body in some way every day. (Dancing in the kitchen counts.)

Self-care is connecting to the divine and resting in that grace.

Self-care is laughing so hard that your sides hurt.

Self-care is setting healthy boundaries (With people and with the content we consume). No is a complete sentence.

Self-care is love in action. 

Self-care is nourishing our bodies, our minds, our hearts, and our energy first and then taking care of everyone and everything else. 

Self-caring for you is your sacred responsibility to the soul inside your awesome container. Empowering you to feel great, live joyFULLY, thrive as your best self, and light up the world.

I know my self-care practice has become a non-negotiable priority and something I consciously take into the new world we are all co-creating.

I’m sure you could add to the list above and I encourage you to!

What nourishes you?

What grounds and reconnects you?

Remember: you are a soul living in a body – a spiritual being having a human experience – and that means you are here on purpose even if there are days when you wonder about that. Know that life loves you.

And, with that in mind, your job is to do your part to make your experience a healthy one.

How you nourish your body, mind, heart, and soul is directly related to how you experience your life.

It’s time to give yourself unapologetic permission to serve yourself first and lead from that place.

Start by downloading a Self-Care Permission Slip here and share one with a friend!

Stay well and know how much you are loved! ❤️

Big hugs 🤗 🤗🤗


Kathy Shaul